Staging the Invisible
Choreographer Claudia Lavista of Delfos Danza collaborates with composers Shulamit Ran and Augusta Read Thomas (University of Chicago, Department of Music) and music composition Ph.D. students, on site-specific choreography and composition.
Delfos Danza's Claudia Lavista with Omar Carrum, Surasi Lavalle, and Renato Gonzalez collaborate with Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of Music Shulamit Ran, University Professor of Composition Augusta Read Thomas, doctoral composition students in the Department of Music and residents of Montgomery Place retirement community on a long-term investigation of social forms of invisibility and visibility through a series of workshops on site-specific choreography and composition. Fellowship components include:
- residency visits occurring May '11, March '12, June '12, December '12, and April '13;
- 6 movement workshops with Montgomery Place residents;
- master class with undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Chicago;
- creation of two short dance-composition films by Delfos and composers Tomas Gueglio and Francisco Castillo Trigueros;
- creation of 10+ short dance films with residents of Montgomery Place retirement community;
- creation of 6 site-specific dance/music composition pieces at the Logan Center for the Arts for public presentation on April 20, 2013
- Participating composers: Andres Carrizo, Tomas Gueglio, Francisco Castillo Trigueros, Yuan-Chen Li; Andrew McManus, Katherine Pukinskis, Dylan Schneider, and Philip Taylor.