Disciplines of Experiment

A two-day symposium with panel discussions and experiments featuring  poets, writers, artists, game designers, performers, musicians, and scientists as they explore the concept of “experiment” as a framework, objective, method, and provocation.

The Disciplines of Experiment symposium/practicum brings together humanistic scholars from a variety of disciplines, as well as poets, writers, artists, game designers, performers, musicians, and scientists to explore the concept of “experiment” as a framework, objective, method, and provocation. 

External participants include Natalia Cecire from the University of Sussex, D'Lane Compton from the University of New Orleans, and Carla Nappi from the University of Pittsburgh. Heidi Coleman, Rachel Galvin, Edgar Garcia, Travis Jackson, Heinrich Jaeger, Adrian Johns, Our Literal Speed, Sam Pluta, Dieter Roelstraete, C. Riley Snorton, Ashlyn Sparrow, Jennifer Wild, and John Wilkinson will be joining us from the University of Chicago.