Call for Proposals

Mar 23, 2017

Mellon Collaborative Fellowships for Arts Practice & Scholarship at the Gray Center

We seek proposals that team artists and scholars (one [or more] of whom will be a visiting fellow; the other one [or more], a University collaborator) for a collaborative project that encompasses research, creative production, and teaching. Fellowship awards fall between $40-70K and are customized to each project. More info on this fellowship program here.

University of Chicago faculty, lecturers, and postdoctoral scholars are invited to submit Letters of Interest for the Mellon Collaborative Fellowship for Arts Practice & Scholarship Program. More info on this process here.

Letters of interest are accepted at any time and reviewed by the Gray Center Advisory Council on a quarterly basis. For timely consideration during the spring quarter review, please submit a Letter of Interest by April 27th, 2017.

If you have questions about the fellowship program, please be in touch with us. Inquiries are welcome!

Jacqueline Najuma Stewart,  Director & Professor, Department of Cinema and Media Studies

Zachary Cahill, Curator